
Standards History
Educate Our Standards Uncategorized

Personal Standards

I love this definition for the word ‘standards’ by Collins Dictionary: Those morals, ethics, habits, etc., established by authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable.When a person refers to standards, they usually refer to the principles of propriety, honesty, and integrity.When I refer to ‘my standards,’ I usually refer to the principles I try to […]

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Standards for Life-Long Learning

I have had conversations with friends lately about personal standards. We’ve observed that “things have changed.” “Is it me, or have you noticed that customer service has declined?” someone asked. Yet another one said, “We are experiencing the death of civility.” You may have heard similar observations. In one such conversation, a friend and I […]

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Educate Our Self Method

The Thinking Behind EOS If you think over the last few days, months, or years, how often have you come across an idea or some bit of information that you were only slightly aware of before that point, or you were completely unaware of? This happens to all of us. Our access to technology has […]

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